Rilsina Pegado

Abstract Classics Others


Rilsina Pegado

Abstract Classics Others

To The Neither 90s Nor 20s Kid

To The Neither 90s Nor 20s Kid

1 min

Do you remember,

The 1 rupee plastic tube popsicle cola,

Our favorite roadside ice gola,

The alphabets we learned on a slate,

Parle kissmi without complaint we ate.

Merwan, Eclair, kitkat was treasure then,

Dairy silk, Snickers didn't exist when.

Tiny TV had Noddy, Oswald, and Bob,

To make us laugh Lauren and Hardy did a good job

Be it Teletubbies, Tom and Jerry, Scooby-doo, or Richie rich

Today's cartoons for those we can still ditch

9xm's bheegi billy, Chote- Bade made our live musical,

Shaktiman, Son pair, Shaka lala boom boom made it magical.

Book cricket, pen fight, and ghost stories were our school time fun,

The adjustment was what history civics single book made us learn.

Essel World was a must-go trip,

How difficult was it to choose a name slip?

Our childhood we all miss,

Of our memories, this was just a small gist.

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