When God Spoke
When God Spoke
And one day the skies cleared,
The world feared,
The divine light fell on land,
The greatest magician used his wand.
The almighty looked down on man,
Humans couldn't predict his plan,
With that smile he said,
Don't worry you won't be dead
I just want you to see,
what it took of me,
To create thee,
To set you free,
To see you glee
What you made of my creation,
The sky, water, land and man of every nation,
And sti
ll in every situation,
You blamed me in all fashion.
You destroyed it all,
Invited your advisory, your fall,
And now to me you call,
To quote you lol.
Greed, money, fame and power,
You cut every tree bearing flower,
Hours you spend in a shower,
Birds you killed with those mobile tower
You have not preserved anything I ever gave,
So now what do you want me to save,
What all shall I forgive,
What all do I make new?