Mariama Marissa

Drama Inspirational Others


Mariama Marissa

Drama Inspirational Others

The World

The World

4 mins

The world will never be the same again. 

I repeat the world will never be the same again.  

A friend once told me the world is wicked. 

I told her the world is not bad

 but the people. 

The world was peaceful. 

We decided to make it sinful. 

The higher the degree 

The more we deceitful. 

Everything was moving smoothly. 

 we decided to introduce evil. 

Look at us now,

We are living upside down. 

Many places shutting down. 

Houses are burning down. 

Countries are going down. 

Our mothers are frown. 

Our fathers are being drown. 

Every president is fighting for His crown. 

Our youths are acting like clowns. 

Where are we really going now up or down? 

The God that created us 

asked us to obey him and resist all


We busy sinning and sinning thinking 

our sins will not be taken into consideration. 

 Some people say God will forgive them

 but, they forget the Sirat the bridge of no affiliation. 

They said let us continue the journey 

and let us forget our final destination.

Let me ask you some questions. 

if you find yourself on a train 

wouldn't you ask where are we going? 

 Or will you choose to enjoy the ride?

Will you choose to enjoy the sound 

on the train with a scary mind? 

Will you sit and watch with pride? 

In an ordinary experience  

we often say,

The things change the more things stay the same. 

Everybody is pointing fingers on others. Nobody wants to be  blamed. 

We have changed the way how Allah wants us to live. 

We are living in our own ways. 

Things will never be the same again. 

 if we don't change our ways. 

You say the world is a pitiful place. 

you want to Somersault. 

But you forget this is all your fault. 

I'm tired of seeing you fighting for tribe. 

I'm tired of seeing you collecting bribe. 

I am tired of seeing you fighting, discriminating, killing, stealing, disrupting the people and making the world a war zone.

So many killings around 

no place to call home. 

Migration taking place only to seek refuge. 

You have polluted the land. 

We have so many deluge. 

The world is crying there is no human to rescue. 

Babies are dying of hunger only few people bothered. 

The rich are getting richer 

the poor don't even have cloth to cover. 

Tell me O Insan

Is this what really Allah ordered? 

The world will never be the same again. 

How can the world be the same again.

when nobody cares. 

When the sinners are governing the world,  the pious imprisoned with fears. 

The youths are ignoring the gowns, caps, hijab,  for the worldly brand  and the Nikki sneakers. 

Respect is no more even for the bears. 

The fear of Allah is less even the reciter of the Quran can't shed tears. 

Will the world ever be the same again? 

The same as what? 

The same as itself? 

Itself when? 

Or where? 

The world will never be the same again if we don't change our ways 

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