Brita Roy



Brita Roy


The Unknown

The Unknown

1 min

  I wonder what there is beyond this brittle life,

   Beyond this chaos, this turbulence, this strife,

   The impenetrable future, the unknown I fear,

   To step into the unfathomable, I do not dare. 


   Immortality of the soul may be a myth or a fact,

   To analyse, or discern, the requisite wisdom I lack,


nbsp;  Helplessly I grope,then stagger, stumble and fall,

   I dither, I falter, I come up against a blank wall.

   The mystery lies beyond the curtain is ominously drawn,     

   It’s a terrifying reality, and a veritable curse to be born!

   Must I part from the familiar, the ones I hold most dear,

   When my ultimate destination is thus shrouded in fear? 

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