The Serene Blue
The Serene Blue
If your life is genuine and good
And leaves behind no mean clue,
Then it is certainly serene and pure
As the bright colour BLUE !
Blue means boundlessness —
Which can't be measured anyway,
Blue stands for simplicity,
Which gives life a brighter ray !
Blue means serenity,
Urging for extreme peace —
Blue provides a healing essence
Which makes us feel at ease !
Blue adorns the sky, oceans, seas
And snowcapped mountains!
Blue signifies rain, birds, rivers
And marvellous fountains —
Pastel shades of this azure hue,
Provide strokes, lucid and subtle !
Blue removes the dusty pall
Effacing away every trouble.
Blue isn’t a mere hue,
It shows true divinity —
It makes people happy and joyous ;
Who spend days, dying in the city !