A child is suffering from blood cancer An old man is laughing with a bouncer! Easily a gangster be... A child is suffering from blood cancer An old man is laughing with a bouncer! ...
When your locker is full All are well You can rule! When your purse is null Life is hell Whom to ca... When your locker is full All are well You can rule! When your purse is null Lif...
The poem shows that we need to find the answers to all the problems and those are within us. The poem shows that we need to find the answers to all the problems and those ar...
I went on with my heart full of doubts Not knowing the whereabouts I wanted you to know what my h... I went on with my heart full of doubts Not knowing the whereabouts I wanted y...
With my tiny toes I stood on yours... With my tiny toes I stood on yours...
"I loved you and I probably still do And for a while the feeling may remain But my love no longer tr... "I loved you and I probably still do And for a while the feeling may remain But ...