The Onerous Wait

The Onerous Wait

1 min

All that I delusively proclaim here

As ‘my’ poetic pieces -

‘My’ sole creations,

Sprouting by a silent night,

Inspired by a resplendent dawn -

Are but affable offerings

From you, my Muse.

Mere schemes of words

Adorning dishevelled thoughts

Devoid of your inspiration

May get me a form-rich verse;

But how would my insipid self

Breathe life into its soul?

Your delayed arrival

Oft leaves my mind barren -

My registry of words

Diminishing to bare alphabets,

My array of thoughts jumbling up

To spawn an insolvable riddle.

Beseech you therefore, my Muse

To abort this onerous wait,

Waking me up to life

By your soft whispers,

Heralding the Spring

Of creative bloom

Little before it's due.

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