The Known Strangers

The Known Strangers

2 mins

He used to sit there, in that right corner

He was 16, when he first saw her

He couldn’t take his eyes off her, his looks followed her everywhere,

In the maths class, she asked, Hey Excuse me, can you solve this problem?

He was flying in the air and said Yes I would love to, darling, here I am

Oh Yeah! It’s been three years since they were together

All this time, days months or years they didn’t bother

Life is going good and going great

Being together they treasured every moment

But my brother this is life, wait for the surprise

There were a thousand meanings for her silence,

It was the loudest silence he ever heard, it was a dictionary

She has gone crazy, don’t know why her thoughts has become a mystery

She was a unicorn with horn, but now its not that horn its

a siren

She started hating what she once wanted, crying on what she once laughed,

Imagine what would you do, if someone is tearing your heart, real bad, too wild, its hard

He became helpless, just as the other earpiece of a headphone

Pity, who was left to the life of slackness for no fault of its own

Two years went by, seasons changed and so he did

When sorrow softens the soul, a lot is been realized

Yes both realized, she came back for him but for him she was a memory

Even she gave up on him, neither him nor she won the game

They are the two parallel roads, always together but never

They are the two bulls, with their tails tied and heading in opposite directions

Now they are no friends, no enemies just two strangers with some memories

Here, the rhyme ends but the story still continues….

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