The Immortal

The Immortal

1 min

Been in darkness, frigidity, and peaceful world.

Moving to a zone of flare and clamorous world.

Part of me whispers, welcome to the world of life!

Things move differently than seen and felt before.

Happy looking creatures touching me,

Part of me whispers, fear!

I stay submerged in water.

Noise! , says a friend,

Oh! It’s from our companion!

Why is he making it?

Part of me whispers its the hunger!

I stay submerged in water.

Similar creatures around me,

What is this place?

Part of me whispers school.

I stay submerged in water.

Days pass by,

Part of me whispers college, workplace, marriage.<


I stay strong while aging!

Light diminishing,

Friends fading apart,

Gloom familiar creatures around me,

Part of me whispers says death!

Back in darkness,

Adieu to light, and notorious world.

Part of me remains silent.


Back in the light?

Happy creatures around me?

Am I alive?

Is this called rebirth?

I stay submerged in water,

Part of me says happiness of seeing the world for the first time!

I can be part of anyone.

Donate me so others can see what you have seen.

The poem is about organ donation, our simple act can mean a lot to others.

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