The Deer That Hides Everything
The Deer That Hides Everything

There is a weird silence between myself
My eyes are red, my heart numbifies
Why do I get so poetic over my own demise,
I ask myself, staring at those crumbled walls
It seems like the walls are breaking forming
A willful, malice, evil face barking at me
Waking up my dead insides,
Trying to scare my crumpled skin,
My face darkens, my lips moves as it trembled,
My body is pale but with a life inside,
My mind shivers looking at the faces onfront
They bark at me, scorns, laughs at my existence
Reminding me of the painful times I had.
They make me relive those painful moments
Again and again..
I scream even when there is n
o voice, no shudder been heard,
I try not to look at them, their faces keep fixated at me,
I close my eyes but instead of escaping I find my nightmare myself living,
The one which I was so wanting to leave,
I tell myself, "You are strong, brave and courageous,
I tell I am self empowered, independent and powerful,
I recognise the hate I have been feeding all my mind,
I recognise the treachery I perform over my own heart,
I realise I was never strong, never forceful, never fearce,
I was not the wolf hunting lonely at the others,
I was the deer lost in the woods,
Scared, mellow, harmless,
A mere survivor in the jungle finding for her own miracles.