The Ballad of Sun and Rain
The Ballad of Sun and Rain

And there she comes, teaming with life
Sometimes serine, sometimes hailstorm
And there she stays, bucketing down
World drenching with water, covered with smog
The clouds are so white
As if it is filled with pulvil
First gets angry, then cries like a pupil
The sky is cold, dark and dreamy
Then rains, and never gets weary
The sky is crying, but the water is pure
Its voice is loud, and its throat is sore
The sun ask’s ‘why so much tears?’
And then ask’s “why so serious?”
I only made fun of you
t not everything is true
The world needs tears, said the clouds
Life is like me
Sometimes blooming, and sometimes glooming
Sometimes giving spectrum, sometimes feeling ombrophobic
The clouds, taking a dramatic exit, lefts
The sun is confused, what to say
As the clouds never got back to what to actually say
The sun is vexed, also feeling rhetoric
As he never goes to know why the clouds were being so dramatic
And there he comes, thinking of an approach
To make up with cloud and rain on the topic god knows…………..