Abhisikha Das

Fantasy Inspirational


Abhisikha Das

Fantasy Inspirational



1 min

It’s like those kids in that movie.

How can we say thanks to you?

To somebody who changed our life,

and our entire world view.

Educated, raised, taught,

Developed children’s minds,

Knowledge of how they cherished life,

Among others were pure and wise.

While teaching, you put in

Your heart and soul, it shows

As students, we appreciate it

Is what we want you to know

Even though we don’t

Express it out aloud

Of your significant contribution

In our lives, we have no doubt

When you give us surprise tests

We find them really annoying

When you overload us with homework

Everything seems so irritating

When you use complicated formulas &theories 

We find studies a bit too boring

When you give us deadlines

We find them a bit too overwhelming

But when everything is said and done

We realize the hard work that goes into teaching

You didn’t teach from books

You taught from the pages of your life

You didn’t just teach letters and words

You taught me how to deal with strife

You didn’t just give us grades

You assessed us as a person

You didn’t just give us confidence

You pushed us until we won

You taught us to think for ourself 

And not to be afraid.

N that's why I really feel so lucky and great

To have those teachers in my life and helped me to move ahead.

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