A wish: Flowers in my dark room
A wish: Flowers in my dark room
This flowering mustard field,
these smiling flowers,
Pale in colour, shining like a melting gold,
Rising the elegance of this splendours fragrant garden,
These miles and miles of even land
This ebbing of crops,
Rising and falling with each fresh eddy , with
just a gust of wild wind,
Some straying at places,
The next -moment disappears into broad.
These rich rivers teaching life lessons,
Yet knowing their end,
nd in bigger streams are their consequence
Still, running towards that distant mirage in horizon,
In the hope of that silver light, from the ocean.
These paths dipped in colour light and delight,
Brimming over with life and laughter ,these bees swaying
Drinking the nectar of these flowers,
“O mighty shade of illumination,
“O beloved splendid nature,”
Is there anything I can offer to your overflowing lap ,
My room of heart is doomed with tears and a sigh of gloom.