Hardik Solanki

Romance Fantasy Others


Hardik Solanki

Romance Fantasy Others

Holi's Joyful Encounter

Holi's Joyful Encounter

1 min

As the colors flew and the music played,

Two strangers met on Holi's day.

A boy and a girl, their eyes did meet,

And the chemistry between them was sweet.

He took her hand and pulled her in,

To dance and laugh amidst the din.

The colors splashed upon their skin,

As they lost themselves in the moment within.

With every touch and every glance,

Their hearts began a furtive dance.

The colors, the music, and the joy,

Brought them closer, wit

hout any ploy.

The boy looked deep into her eyes,

And saw a spark that could not lie.

The girl smiled, feeling the same,

As their love story began in a colorful frame.

As Holi's day drew to a close,

The boy and the girl bid adieu with a rose.

But their hearts were filled with something more,

As they knew what their love had in store.

On that day, amidst the colors and noise,

Two strangers found love in the Festival of Holi's joys.

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