Vanshikaa Saxena



Vanshikaa Saxena


The Coffee Date

The Coffee Date

1 min

Coffee and I have got a whole lot of history.

I would never deny a cup of it,

Never prefer any other drink over it.

In the dull evenings amidst

the florid glow of autumn,

Every sip of that rich coffee

lightens me up.

Take a sip and then there’s

a sudden flashback of the

sweet and beautiful moments.

We both had a good time together.

Black coffee during the stressful time;

Latte for the usual cravings.

Coffee and I share the purest bond,

It’s there to lift me up, and never lets

me down.

In the harsh winters,

a cup of hot coffee finds its way to my heart

And consoles my soul. It gives me warmth,

and it helps me grow.

The iced coffee quenches the thirst on those harsh summer days,

Every sip of which ensures to cherish my day.

Coffee and I have a whole lot of history and

I'm treating myself to a solo coffee date,

what else could be a top tier Self-care?

I’ll be writing down more of the memories I make,

Once when I finish this cup of my coffee from the date.

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