Son You Are Far Away
Son You Are Far Away

You are Far Away
It was yesterday only
you held my hand
chasing me from room to room
playing hide n seek
your half broken tooth smile
Ah, I saw you going to school
Making a new world
Forming frienships n kinships
Still closer to our wotld
At end of day
we were embracing each other
sharing our joy n miseries together
I was so much in you
Though there was
ream of engagements
Absorbing me
you were always next
Thick n Thin times
Today you have grown to man
I have lost the little child
who without uttering a single world
knew, where my eyes r set
Today you r far away
where my voice reaches you
but you can't hear anything
You have created a new world around you
where I am trying to step in
Standing at door steps