Amatullah Padghawala

Classics Inspirational


Amatullah Padghawala

Classics Inspirational

Seven Wonders of 'Life'

Seven Wonders of 'Life'

1 min

Seven wonders of the world are monuments,

But the seven wonders of life are true feelings and sentiments.

Love forms the first wonder out of them,

Life without love is similar to a plant without stem.

Then comes Respect which is a branch of love,

It is a way of showing gratitude with emotions as white as the dove. 

The third wonder is Honesty which is quite significant,

It teaches us to never deceive or be defiant.

It is followed by Sacrifice which is essential,

One receives ori

ginal happiness when one sacrifices sources that are artificial.

Wisdom forms an important wonder,

It reminds us of the importance of life and not to easily surrender.

Then comes Truth which holds the highest regard,

A true person never in his life goes off -guard.

Happiness forms the seventh wonder which is a genuine feeling,

Life seems a mess when happiness is lacking.

Preserve these seven wonders of your life for ultimate success,

Everybody requires these wonders, no matter whether a commoner or an empress!

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