The Eve within me
The Eve within me

There was no disparity
between us when deity molded
There was no discrepancy,
between us
when we stood vicious.
There was no distinction
until I acknowledged,
the role of mother and he,
evolved as a hunter.
But was the preference,
made this conflict between us?
There was a period,
when I was espoused
at an early age.
There was a period,
where I was burnt alive,
In the caption of the practice,
to survive from the wild beast
with respect.
There was a period,
where I was restricted from the knowledge and got gifted with silverware.
But there was a juncture,
which I overcame with, endurance by following the leader within.
When the days would arrive?
when society values my chromosome?
When those days arrive?
when I get seen equal,
not just as lineage machine,
Of reproduction.
When those days arrive?
when civilization accepts that
Deity is nothing without a mother,
the woman?
When those days arrive,
where I don’t see an offspring
of my gender being
thrown into garbage?
When those days arrive?
where a youngster of my gender doesn’t get burnt in the name of caste or dowry or as an acid victim?
When those days arrive?
when I don’t get hunted by the wild beast,
by sexually and verbally?
When those days arrive?
where I feel secured to walk,
and child of my gender can
play alone in the deserted boulevards?
When those days arrive?
when I can attend the functions and
Sacred niches during those painful days
When those days arrive?
when people stop the rumor,
by acknowledging the Shakti in my form.
The unique personality in me!
When do I get addressed with analogies
as soft sacrifice behind the bars of enclosures and
When? When?
I may not attain it until I respect myself.
I may not attain it when I persist for my freedom from this society.
I may not attain it until I start thinking with heart along with intellect while being in love.
I may not attain when I get blinded by the false promises of the leaders through media
I will attain.
with a promise made to me,
with an inclination towards education,
and self-esteem.
I will attain,
even without the support of my family,
but not without my self-motivation.
I will attain without my friend's bolster,
But by revolving against my pals by condemning the patriarchal comments.
I will attain this by supporting the gender, myself at the time of the need.
I will attain this by being a feminist,
not just in words, but by taking action,
not just for myself,
but for women,
across the grassroots.
I will attain this,
by creating an empathy-based gender be it a small initiative with my art and words which are repetitive which the universe hears.
I will attain this, when I express my emotions not to impress the audience, as an entertainment, but to educate them with a message of my worthiness in their life.
Probably, I will attain when Adams gets empathized with me and by making them share my role dated to our inception.
Those days are not far apart,
till the artist in me speaks up loud and happens to be heeded.
I am not a woman by advent,
but an artist can emphasize,
any form.
Art is not limited to expression or entertainment they are a way to
define a change that we want to see.
Each day is a new day,
unleash the forms
which you are capable of,
which I acknowledged.
Engrave your mind,
to emanate the better
the aspect of your soul.