Respect And Money
Respect And Money

Respect is a beautiful word,
That everyone wants to earn.
All try to be nice,
Because they want to be respected at least in the day twice.
As much as you are truthful,
That much are you respectful?
This is the theory that books explain,
In fact, a truthful person is a person who gets the maximum number of complaints.
If you want to earn respect,
Honesty is not enough alone.
, 0, 0);">You have to distribute free money to the poor,
And become a great social service doer.
Nobody cares how honest you are,
Nobody cares how truthful you are.
Everyone takes note of how much money you give,
It is the only the right theory in this world to live.
Respect is not something that reflects a human personality,
It is the perfect bargain with the money-oriented mentality.
Respect is directly proportional to the money you donate,
Soon you give money, you will get respect no longer late.