Jefrin Baby

Drama Inspirational


Jefrin Baby

Drama Inspirational



1 min

I saw those small volcanoes

Popping out of my fair skin.

Bringing intense pain in vein

And scar upon my face!

I pulled them out 

With utmost pressure

Bringing tears on my eyes

With the pimple contents spreading out!

Too many face care 

To pamper my skin 

And skincare routine

To treat them well!

Too many goods from

The beauty products market

Just to treat that little fellow

Who resides upon my skin!

And the final results are always worse

Damaging my skin day by day.


ing marks all over the face

Just like the dark spots on the fair roti!

Dear self. Calm down.

Even the Moon has craters

And deep holes. Then

Why can't your face? 

Embrace pimples

For, they are beautiful marks of adolescence!

They are lucky points

On your way to success.

Love your flaws

Unconditionally and every day.

If you cannot love your flaws

They who could love? 

Let pimples make you noticeable

Let them be your proud identity.

Let pimples hold you tight

Let them make you unique

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