On My Own
On My Own

There is no way turning back
Cause life is like responsibilities filled in a sack
I must have to have faith in myself
Cause I need to understand no one will come for my help
Even if they come to help me out
It would be for a short time
No one stays forever even if I shout
Cause it's the rule of life's rhyme
I have to learn to live on my own
Cause the knowns would soon turn out to be unknown
I need not to wait for anyone
Cause they won't wait for me even if I beg in tone
The path on which I've started movin' on
It surely looks like the hardest one
But it will turn out to be a dawn
If I actually focus only on my own
Although I am scared of my thoughts on which I dwell
Cause it may push me for the experience of hell
But I must have to have faith in myself
Cause I need to remember that no one will come for my help.