Inspirational Others Children



Inspirational Others Children

My Teacher

My Teacher

2 mins

She is kind and soft

Loving and caring to understand me

No, she is not my mother

She is stern and strict

Scolds and ensures that the work is done

No, she is not my father

She jokes, teases and laughs

Child at heart and has fun with me

No, she is not my friend

She motivates and guides

Encourages me to try, eventually to succeed 

No, she is not my guide

She forgives my misbehaviour

Brushes aside my comments and ill manners

No, she is not my enemy

She dances and choreographs

Makes me perform the best

No, she is not a professional dancer

She sings to give tune in spite of her voice

Makes me sing melodiously

No, she is not a professional singer

She helps me to resolve

Many conflicts, fights, differences

No, she is not an expert psychologist

She provokes me to think, wonder and question

Explore, imagine and create to be an innovator

No, she is not a Scientist

She manages our class, a bunch of goons

Puts up patiently with no video online and absenteeism

No, she is not a management guru

She used chalk and blackboard earlier

But now, adjusted, focused, adapted to technology

She learns, unlearns and relearns

No, she is not a techie


Yes, she is MY TEACHER

Now she takes online classes

Judged by many in many ways

But she marches ahead bravely

Leading, with a leap of faith

Grooming, Shaping and Developing

The young minds of future India

Yes, she is my TEACHER


Champions me Intellectually, Socially,

Emotionally, Environmentally and Spiritually

I love her 

I am proud of MY TEACHER

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