Bharath Kumar



Bharath Kumar


Mother's Love Is Divine

Mother's Love Is Divine

2 mins

The whole world roars when it hears the word, mother

When she is with us, why should we bother?

The world runs by her emotional power

Even in tough circumstances she never deters.

We are all protected in her womb for a period of nine months

Do we have the patience to understand her love depths?

She cares us gathering all her strengths

She is the one who guides us to the life paths

The most powerful love in the world is the mother's love

It is a divine love that always remains alive

It is an energetic love that makes us active

It is an innocent love that always makes us drive

When the whole world forsake us

She will be standing by the side of us

She continues to love and nourish us

Her presence is always a plus not a minus

We vent our frustrations on her

Not realizing, we are void without her

Do not ever try to hurt her

She is our protective cover



She works day and night for our betterment

She sacrifices all her desires for our contentment

Isn't she a force of enlightenment?

Take a bow to her commitment

Are we aware of her silent sufferings?

Have we ever made an attempt to understand her feelings?

Do we ever follow her life teachings?

Or are we interested only in her offerings?

In the kitchen, she is a star chef

For her husband, she is a super wife

She is a priceless gift in our life

In her hands, we are always safe

She has seen people who looked her with disdain

She has been with people who always expected gain

She has become much stronger enduring all the pain

Let us all get drenched in her divine rain

I feel for those who are devoid of mother's love

Without her, it is indeed difficult to live

No one will ever show that unconditional love

It is only her love that makes this world still alive.

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