Bharath Kumar

Abstract Comedy Others


Bharath Kumar

Abstract Comedy Others

Realm For Introverts

Realm For Introverts

1 min

Oh, my God! I can't hijack this clamour

Nobody understands that silence is my armour

If I go there, I am greeted by ear-shattering noise

If I come here, excessive talk will shatter my voice

Oh, God! Why didn't you create a realm for Introverts?

Just like you have created this world for extroverts

Being incongruous is an awkward feeling

It is sending my head into reeling

If I say I enjoy my solitude

They say I have an attitude

If I utter a word, they talk in between

>Then they say your life has lost its sheen

If I say I want to stay at home

I am called as a boring dumb

If I say I find solace in reading

They think, a bookworm is talking

If I say I want to be alone for some time

They think I am a zombie who loves crime

How does it feel to be a fellow who is misunderstood?

It is akin to getting washed away by a fierce flood

Is there a place for Introverts to breathe?

Inside the four walls of our homes is where we can breathe

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