Prarthana Bajpai

Drama Romance Tragedy


Prarthana Bajpai

Drama Romance Tragedy



1 min

It was winter, winds blew cold

I still felt young, still young not old.

That one phone call, that one bright smile

Gave me hopes and dreams to while (away time).

My heart beat as fast as it could

Before my eyes when tall you stood.

I found no fault, I saw no flaws

My heart thumped loud, it broke all laws.

I held your hand and led you through

I asked you and said that I loved you.

The story then flowed and we flowed along

Our souls in deep love and hearts had a song.

>I was still dreaming when a wave just crashed

My mind bewildered and feelings all lashed.

My dream had shattered and you had gone

From where had come this sudden storm?

As time passed, the drift grew wide

I found you there, not by my side.

I gathered my self and walked on further

But the blame I earned was of a murther (murder).

It's been long that I saw you last

Life has travelled, and time has passed.

I change with things that happen to me

I love you still and you miss me.

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