
All turmoils, uproars, riots, opposition,
Condemnations take their place
On the pages of newspapers and
Public ventilate their opinion by
Reading my neutral creations
A country aspires a lot from my loyalty, honesty, sacrifice and dedication
So I always exhaust my untiring efforts to discharge my responsibilities ....
I don't know the word fear
Even I don't care the threatening of the terrorists, maoists and extremists
I always continue my relentless efforts with sheer dedicatio
n and commitment
Torrential rain, stormy tempests, blistering heat of scorching summer sun bone chilling cold, panic of pandemic
Have not been able to dampen my unflinching endeavors to bear the risk
I collect information from every corner of the country with my sincere efforts
Still where does lie my fault?
I am susceptible to threatening of murder, humiliation and insult
Are these the rewards for my dedication?
I never demand money, appreciation and a high place
I only need justice......