The hidden pain
The hidden pain
Every moment I felt the painful whispering
Though I strived in order to have a concentrated focus on life
But the inner anxiety could not let me have a contented breath
Every moment I was meticulously making effort to identify the voice of whispering
And making my ears conscious to heard
But all my fastidious endeavours were in vain
Once I was making a conscientious effort to solve the complicated arithmetic of winds
Suddenly tears rolled down
Cheeks becam
e wet
A gush of wind touched me and went away in its ambiguous way
Lips started to shiver
Body started to tremble with unknown excitement
An answer in grave voice came from my heart
I am your hidden pain which has made ur life stifled
Though I wanted to leave you
But your heart has started to love me
Your heart is the safest adobe to reside without any hurdles
When I got the answer I was in massive perplexity
Only tears were rolling down.....