Bharti Bajaj

Abstract Drama Others


Bharti Bajaj

Abstract Drama Others

It's Raining

It's Raining

2 mins

I lay on the floor

after foam rolling my back,

the music of the heavy rain surrounds me.

I look outside and wonder

how this same rain 

which is soothing to the mind of a nature lover 

happen to empathize with us

when we feel sad

or with lovers who are missing their beloved,

or when someone out there

lose their loved ones to death;

for them rain is creation crying over their loss.

For farmers, it's a blessing of the God

on needed days

and the same rain becomes curse

during unwanted ones.

I go and stand near my balcony

and watch a lady slip badly on the floor.

Her daughter rushes out and take her in the house.

No doubt, the rain which is music

to my ears might haunt her with a backpain

for months and even years.

I look back towards my foam roller

with questionable eyes.

On the other side of

the street, kids are bathing

like they are having the most blissful shower

of the

ir lifetime.

They are screaming in joy

and are overflowing with happiness and energy promised by a red bull drink.

An old man is sitting in his balcony

with a cup of tea or coffee or ayush kadha

in his hand is listening to radio

playing "rim jhim gire saawan".

He has a smile of contentment on his face

as he watch earth quenching its thirst.

Near to me,

a planter full of soil

and water swimming on its top layer

shows sign of some newly formed organisms.

I look closer

and they appear to me as tiny fishes. 

A black bird in the corner 

is sitting with its head bowing down

as praise to the lord for the falling miracle

or maybe is meditating, who knows?

Just like artificial intelligence

Rain, a super intelligence 

talks to each one of us differently in our own language at a mutual time

like The Sun, The Moon, those Clouds in the Sky,

Wind and, this Creation in whole does.

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