It's Life, My Friend
It's Life, My Friend

Learn to labor and to wait,
For life is not a path straight.
Always keep your head held high,
Know that the limit is the sky.
Your patience will carry you on,
Let your inner strength be drawn.
It’s about time you prove yourself,
Stash your fears on the farthest shelf.
Art is the key to unlock your soul,
Start living and aim for your goal.
The time comes and goes, good or bad,
It’s the cycle of life and it's ironclad.
Your heart can be your reminder,
Remember to always be kinder.
Help the comrade that’s stuck,
Do not leave everything up to luck.
The future keeps changing constantly,
The present can be corrected instantly.
Try to learn from your past mistakes,
But don’t forget to give yourself breaks.
It’s life, my friend, it meant to be appreciated,
But, keep in mind, some things are just fated.