Into The Labyrinth

Into The Labyrinth

2 mins

Sleepless nights

Disparity and doom.

A shadow prancing the walls

Along the contour his demons loom.

A walk through the eternity

Perhaps a sip of Golden dream,

The glass filled to its brim,

In a dimly lit room.

Turning his head he glanced halfway,

The nothingness filled his gaze,

The air stilled

Yet he swayed,

Following the tune,

That rung in the maze.

Coming to a standstill he asked the it

"Why is my fate

Entangled in this haze

Bound to repeat

In the cage of an endless daze?"

A gust of wind broke through the scene

And with it

Brought no answers to reveal.

He stood standstill

His soul fading

Into the incessant call

Of a rerun despite his will.

A sudden howl sounded through the night

His bloody hand grip

ped at the hedges

Refusing to surrender to the blight.

The whirlpool of time

Halted its churning

Returning him

To the world for which he had been yearning.

As his sight returned him back to life,

His memory was etched by what he had uttered in the bleakness of his strife.

"This maze of mine that I wove

So intricately and delicately

Its sinuous patterns

To the closed doors, I owe.

Now that it sucks me in everyday

This maze of mine

A fine striped bow.

Nothing would save me

For the world and all its love,

Yet I will myself to get out of this cacophony

For it is I who suffers

In despair over my woe,

I will it to stop

Because I want out of the horrific wonders I saw

They clawed at me

Coerced me to say yes

And I say


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