I'm Atal, A Way Of Life
I'm Atal, A Way Of Life

Who told you, I'm dead and gone?
I was here with with you then
Now , I'm among you all
And I'm always with you ahead
Through out your journey of building the nation.
I was never born to be a burden on mother India
And to lead a life on bread and butter.
On reputation I was for a whole long life
To preach the verse of love
And to paint the walls with arts of love
To enchant the song of sharing and love
Like a burden-free innocent dove.
How, I can die so soon !
For me, life is longer than the time itself
I was never destined to that very death
Which is so poor and so common
And happens to a common man.
A man on mission can never return
Unless and until the task is done.
Yeah,to be frank of course
You can now only say it so
I've just shifted my abode to your hearts
With all my possessions and all passion
The entire treasure of love and care,
And an ever going mission with
A long term futuristic vision,
Transforming 'Atal' into a way of life
To lead the nation to an all-time height.
I'm 'Atal', the sun light throughout the day
And the moon light at night,
A slogan against war and crime,
An ever rising voice against corruption
And colonial regime
A bullet of freedom to end terrorism
An atom to destroy pain and poverty.
I'm 'Atal' the symbol of stability.
And for my nation and it's people
I'm the sweetest song of pure humanity.