I'll Be There
I'll Be There

I'll be there when things go wrong.
When the life's a radio,
And you don't like the song.
If I can't soothe then I would share,
And diminish the pain with love and care.
Something told me you're a person true,
Innocent, shy and impeccable too.
That being your friend is a thing to cherish
That the confidence you have, mustn't perish.
We all make decisions we sometimes rue,
Its all just a phase that we'll together go through.
Step by step and stride by stride,
I'll always be there through this jolty ride.
Up your chin and wear a smile
Don't look back, you gotta run a few mile
Take a deep breath and let things go
Lower than your self esteem never should you bow.
I'll be there when things go wrong.
When the life's a radio,
And you don't like the song.