Mohammed Junaid Khan

Drama Tragedy Inspirational


Mohammed Junaid Khan

Drama Tragedy Inspirational

I Am A Poor Migrant Labour Of My Country

I Am A Poor Migrant Labour Of My Country

2 mins

I don't have a loaf of bread to eat, 

Wanna reach my village is what my heart repeats, 

With this unbearable pain I can hardly breath, 

I am hopeless completely, 

I am a poor migrant labour of my country. 

In the books of our politicians, We only seem to exist, 

When they buy our votes for few thousand rupees, 

And we sell our future for few thousand rupees, 

They triumph in election on our poor shoulders, And shine their huge palaces, 

We spend our lives in dirty slums, And their our lives get vanishes, 

Today I am walking on the road tirelessly, 

I am a poor migrant labour of my country. 

We believe our politicians is our fault, 

We hear their speeches in heat and never revolt, 

>With our dried throats their names in praise we chant, 

They have mineral waters in their luxurious air conditioned tents, 

They fool us with their sweet talks, 

And make us dream the things which we have never thought, 

They call us the nation builders, They say that we are makers of this nation, 

I hear their lies so proudly, 

I am a migrant labour of this country. 

We don't need more fake assurances, 

Neither do we need your money, 

Some while walking for miles, some got ran over by a train, 

Our dead bodies are everywhere but you can never feel our pain, 

Kindly arrange some transportation, 

I just want to reach my home, And be there with my poor family, 

I am a poor migrant labour of my country.

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