Mohammed Junaid Khan

Drama Tragedy Inspirational


Mohammed Junaid Khan

Drama Tragedy Inspirational

Trains of Pain

Trains of Pain

2 mins

The entire government was not in favour, 

To provide trains to the migrant labours, 

And better it would've been,

Less tragic story we would have seen, 

More than helping the poor migrant labours it looked like torture, 

And I will not mince my words by not calling it murders, 

A normal 24 to 28 hour journey took 8 to 9 days, 

And the properly running trains system many a time lost its way, 

The government made it very clear, 

That food and water won't be provided to these travellers cos they were poor, 

Forget drinking water, they were deprived water in the train's lavatory, 

They reminded me of Nazi era's evil laboratories, 

Young and old, women and children, 

All were travelling in this train of unspeakable pain, 

Crying of hungry children were tormenting everyone, 

Facing hunger and heat one on one, 

Silent tears of misery fal

ling through everyone's eyes, 

But for the hungry children their mother's fake assurance of food and water won't suffice, 

The father would search for food at every coming station, But all in vain, 

And before reaching their destination, A couple of children were relieved of their pain, 

Now, no longer for food he will cry, 

And it won't hurt the government if couple of poor children die, 

On the very same platform, A toddler was pulling the shroud from the body of his mother, 

Trying to wake her mother who died of heat and hunger, 

But the innocent toddler was unaware that neither his mother nor the conscience of the entire country will wake up ever, 

If basic necessities of food and water can't be fulfilled, 

Then this system of governance needs to be rebuilt, 

If the poor people of this country aren't rightly served, 

Then forget ruling this country cos you don't deserve.

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