Heart Seeks for Freedom
Heart Seeks for Freedom

Deep down she wants,
To do what is her will
To be free from over restriction,
And attain freedom from it once,
Locked by the judging
Society she feels
As if her hand is tied up with handcuffs,
She is asked to not to step out of boundaries,
As if she is locked up as a prisoner,
Peeping from the window outside,
she is wondering, and disheartened soul
Aches I would have been there,
So much fun I missed O dear, sighs!!
When will
the mentality of people grow,
When will this torture end up though,
Would the suffering ever go,
Broken inside could not express herself,
As is sure no one would help,
Broken inside but couldn't scream
What to do to fulfill my dream
Much hopeless and helpless
She seems freedom is only her dream.
The actual freedom we will win
When she fearlessly let to do
What she is willing to,
And let her pursue her dream,
And she will no more scream.