Haibun - Seasons Of The Mind

Haibun - Seasons Of The Mind

1 min

January is the beginning, or claims to be so. My dog loves the extra helpings of plum cake, but does not know she has embarked on a new journey. Time is seamless for her.

There were times my grandmother couldn’t recall dates, but connected events to the time her second-born had just started walking, or the first born started school. She remembered what was important to her.

Human beings invented calendars to give a structure, and facilitate measurement and evaluation. It works only when there are SMART g

oals to be achieved. It helps the economy with balance sheets, but not seasons of the mind.

Intense emotional moments are what make time stop for us. Dates just get associated with it, facilitating assessment of our lives. How long back did it happen, and for how long has it not happened again? When did we live last, in the humdrum routines of day-to-day living?

I wonder if clocks,

calendars of the mind

celebrate winter.

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