Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure

Who does that? Raised eyebrows mock
There are words in my mouth
But I swallow those
And get on with my life
Calendars change
So do mindsets
I can’t connect
Their irrepressible instincts
To enter doorways
Now gone digital
Social isolation
Is not loneliness
I feel complete
In my work – thoughts
Bordering on unboundedness.
And of course…
Those disruptive people
Are only a button away
Waiting to enter
To my life and thoughts
With their nosiness
Seeking validation
By inclusion
But who does that?
Eyebrows raised in mockery again
I do … I speak in audible tones
And get on with my life
They’re there… They’re gone
They’ll be back again
Meanwhile, let me strategize
How to get on with my life
Cutting through echelons
Of ever-changing customs
Styles and traditions
They’re just a passing fad
Not a phenomenon…