Shivam Kumar



Shivam Kumar


Gone Are Those Days

Gone Are Those Days

1 min

Those days of togetherness and enjoyments....

And happiness from very little fragments...

Living those happy moments we waited for very long...

The time when nothing was right nothing was wrong...

The time we had a variety of erasers to erase our mistakes...

The ocean combined up of tiny joy and sorrow lakes...

The life full of amazing surprises...

Neither any hate for someone nor any criticizes...

Life was a bouquet of flowers having different fragrances...

When no one was busy in own and there were no distances...

People had always a

small grin and a glow on their faces..

Anger disappeared in a moment like untieing shoelaces...

The time when selfishness and attitude were just words to spell...

When loving was the better way to make something understand than to yell...

When even a stranger was ready to share his shoulder to rely on..

When unity mattered above ego like flying birds in the sky...

I want back that naughtiness and that different type of craze...

Where the hell has gone those good days...

Had they never came in my life ever..?

Or it will only be a dream forever. ..

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