Frog And The Nightingale A Sequel
Frog And The Nightingale A Sequel

As the nightingale's tragic death
Nightingale's friend holding her breath
used her wit and ignored all fashion
to take revenge, all was her passion
Then zippingly she made a plan
practised upon her singing, she knew she can
built up arrogance, pride and anger
more than kanker in alluvial bangar
All prepared to give the best
for the upcoming hoarse quest
"loathed frog" - the nightingale
breathed - this is a sequel
with the speed at her best she reached the bog
observed attitude and heard the foghorn of the frog
then she started singing in her melodious voice
to which followed the crowd's applause and noise
As mentioned in the First, again, the frog towards her
thinking that she is also a stupid creature
"Not too bad was your song"
"but (as usual) too long"
"The technique was fine of course"
"But it lacked a certain force"
Oh! the nightingale boasted
"You should be greatly shattered and deppressed"
Hearing it the frog's ego thrilled
decided in mind that she should also be killed
boasted the frog-"The song was not divine"
she thrilled-"who are you to judge, you keep yours and i'll keep mine"
goes on the nightingale-proper t
raining such as i
and few others can supply
you will remain a mere beginner
but with me you will be a winner.. you sinner!
No! he said proudly- I dont need such
I practise a lot and practise as much
Then she said lets have a contest
to get to know that who is the best
Approval of the frog came after a while
as his determination became fragile
The contest will be tomorrow
to set one in sorrow
As the contest was to begin next day
with the crowd finding their way
the audience became the nightingale's fan
& the frog was left with a "not" after a "can"
As minute by minute grew older
the result became bolder and bolder
and as the result came
the frog was full of shame
The frog- terrified due to fail,
And flushed with delight was the nightingale
The frog was now in anger
couldn't keep his frustation under
Puffed up, burst a vein and died
in a situation to him was horrified
She kept on singing with panache
unlike the frog- koo oh!ash! ko ash!
The bird now rivalled the unrivalled frog
and was admired in the whole bog
Now tell me how is the sequel of the tale
that named "Frog and the nightingale"