
“A friend in need
Is a friend indeed”
We laughed it off
Yet we agreed
We were allies
In crushing over guys
In all our foolishness
Till we were wise
We shared
We cared
We vowed to be in touch
Yet we dared
Not that carefree
At thirty-three
On our minds is
Job and family
Your DP shows
Large-sized clothes
I too have grey hair
And a funny nose
We could talk
Round the clock
Teenage was cheese
This is chalk
“Hello! How do you do?”
“Children?” “I have two.”
Awkward silences, so
I choose not to call you
Texting is simpler
Think and answer
Else type BRB
And turn a deaf ear
Not the right way
Few would say
I know but, when I need
You’re just a call away