Expiry Date
Expiry Date

As I look inside the mirror
At my fading youth,
It flashes me a token,
For the old age queue.
Right before I smash it,
Calm down it says to me.
With grey hair comes wisdom.
With wrinkles - maturity.
The steaming cup of coffee,
Shows up at 7'o clock,
Right after mom
Comes back from her walk.
Coincidence you tell me
Routine I declare to you.
My mother brings me coffee,
Without me asking her to.
She's but a mortal though,
Here for just a while.
And shall leave me sooner,
Than when I would like.
But right before I wash,
hat coffee down my throat,
The cup too comes to life
And enlightens me some more.
"It's true that people leave," it says,
Death is a part of life.
But peace succeeds pain.
So hey calm down and smile.
So what if we all suffer,
In the hands of a common fate.
So what if the universe came,
With an expiry date.
A ray of hope does shine,
Through the crevices of this den.
End and exit coincide.
Every now and then.
Behind every packet thus
One can be, sure as hell
To find above the Expiry,
A manufactury date as well