
I find her lost in a land of loneliness
I walked straight towards her
But I slipped into a new world filled with obstacles
Tearing me apart every day
Still, I found her every night looking at the moon
Waiting for someone to rescue her
I worked tirelessly to win over my obstacles
To reach her as soon as I can
As I broke the barriers of my world into her's
I am confronted by new enemies
Who are trying to backstab me every time
Outwitting each of them I run past them to her castle
Where I meet a greedy demon who is dangerously cunning
Giving away what I earned all these year
s to him
I climbed up the stair
To her room
I still found the door locked
Breaking it with all the might I had
I found her looking at me with those bluish eyes filled with tears
I smile and collapsed on the floor
Gasping for air I thought I might have overdone things along the way
And now I couldn't rescue her
She asked her why was she crying
She replied to everyone who gets near me dies
I smiled at her and said maybe I'll rescue you after having a good sleep as I feel very tired
She said you will no longer come back
Finally, I asked her name
She replied I am death.