Shahataj Sarkar

Drama Tragedy


Shahataj Sarkar

Drama Tragedy

Dear You

Dear You

1 min

The room is sound now.....but the doors are so loud

The windows spit so much

And yet he looks beyond the rusted sills

Why? He just does.....

They say thunders are uncalled for and it's true....

But the thunder never left the Room

He's kept a letter under the sheets and the sheets are SO wet 

And though the room so full now, the water never OverBows.....the water never crosses the line.

The Room is so full now

It's too much of the spitter-spatter out there and yet it's so silent.

The sheets are wet, yet none kinda cares

The room is full of water and there's someone drowning

I can't see the face, and I fathom in thoughts 

By now the person; he's drowned....maybe fully....

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