Dear Teacher
Dear Teacher
Do you know, 837.4 km can be,
the distance between two places.
Thoughts are like lightning,
faster than the words,
can cover that distance
in a snap of the finger.
It might have reached the destination,
before my poem reaches thee.
Do you know, in the search for gems,
I found a diamond,
grabbed and kept inside the palm.
Alas! The diamond jumped out and said,
Better luck, next time.
With the imbrued ink, I said,
I believe in rebirth, meet you there.
Do you know, how will I
wish my dearest teacher? Holy water to wash thy holy feet,
Flowers plucked from heaven, to adore it.
A calm mind chanting thy
holy name.
The name which enlightens the whole world.
Dear teacher, just open the door, tomorrow's dawn,
Move around in the lawn,
Wet thy feet in the dew drops.
Look up, the firmament carries my message,
"Happy teacher's day".
Wish that beautiful butterfly in your garden, "thank you",
It's me who reached your abode to meet you.
Happy teacher's day