Confessions To A Mirror
Confessions To A Mirror

Looking at a mirror,
Once I stood for long.
Long till I gasped....
I gasped all along!
There a lady, girl or bride maybe,
Whatever, she depicted all variety;
I looked, looked at self,
Long, long to find some novelty.
The beauty of her eyes,
Were dark, intense yet vague;
Under those curved thin eyelids,
Lied crystal, pristine waters in jeer!
Was he the one?
Urged my vivacious soul,
The conscience had a question,
Or coincidence is this - all whole?
Looking at a mirror,
I thought, thought for long....
Long till I gasped,
I gasped all along!
Night past twelve, it strikes all sudden,
I gasped....
Gasped in sobre,
Until breadth c
hocked my thoughts down!
I looked around for once,
Convicted assumptions filled my room,
The silence notched this hesitant soul,
Under such blunders of thought, the night had grown.
Looking at the mirror again,
I stood long, long on my own;
Face confessed an emotion,
Emotion willing to weave him around.
Nostrils chocked the breadth,
And feet went clumsy,
For my senses were yet unsure,
Of how his presence felt!
The pole star shined bright,
From the north it said right,
The cold breeze from the window,
Embellished light on such starry night!
Is it all worth?
Again the question raised,
The mirror smiled back at me,
For, every woman passes this phase!