Celestial Symphony
Celestial Symphony

In a cosmos vast, where stars collide,
A celestial symphony begins to reside.
Planets dance in orbits profound,
Each one with a distinct cosmic sound.
Jupiter's roar, a mighty crescendo,
Saturn's rings hum a harmonic innuendo.
Neptune's waves create a soothing hymn,
While Mars drums a rhythmic, primal vim.
Amidst the stars, a comet streaks,
Its trail a melody as it boldly speaks.
Supernovas burst, a grand explosion,
A brief but blazing, cosmic commotion.
Black holes hum a mysterious song,
Gravity's grip, powerful and strong.
The galaxies spin like a cosmic wheel,
A harmony of motion,
surreal and real.
Yet, in this cosmic euphony,
A message rings, so clear to me:
That in the vastness of space's flight,
We're all connected, in sound and light.
Each planet, star, and celestial sphere,
Plays its part in the symphony's cheer.
A reminder to us, on this earthly sod,
We're bound together, under the same God.
In this universal, harmonious theme,
Let's cherish Earth, like a cherished dream.
For as we listen to the cosmic melody,
We find unity, love, and humanity.