Sakina Lalani



Sakina Lalani


Sacrifice Of Tail

Sacrifice Of Tail

4 mins

In a kingdom far and wide,

There lived a servant with unmatched pride,

More handsome than the prince, it's true,

His appearance was heavenly, and his heart pure and true.

With long, blonde and wavy hairs,

And ice blue eyes that entranced all with their stares,

Rosy cheeks and lips of pink,

Freckles on his skin, like a sprinkle of ink.

Clad in a white shirt and black pants,

A ring adorned his left hand, a symbol of his stance,

The town's girls were mesmerized by his grace,

But he never looked with a lustful gaze.

One day, he sought solace by the river's edge,

To find peace and calm amidst nature's pledge,

And there he saw a girl, half in water, half on land,

Fainted and frail, with glitter and pearls on her face, so grand.

He woke her up with a gentle shake,

And her beauty left him in awe, for goodness' sake,

Unlike the townies who drooled over his charm,

This girl was different, with a magical charm.

Her purple shining tail and fins of gold,

Her ginger hairs with glitter untold,

Her plump pink lips and eyes so bright,

He was entranced by her otherworldly sight.

He covered her with his coat so black,

And took her to his cottage to bring her back,

For he had a hobby of studying sea creatures rare,

Caring for them till they were fit for the ocean's lair.

He gently placed her in his fish tank,

And as she opened her eyes, he could tell she sank,

Her curiosity piqued as she looked around,

And she spoke with a melodious sound.

"I appreciate your pure intention," she said with a smile,

As she observed the fishes with wonder, without guile,

She asked if he captured and ate them for food,

He reassured her, "No, I set them free, it's a different mood."

He explained his love for sea creatures so diverse,

And she listened with awe, her eyes filled with a universe,

She couldn't help but be captivated by his grace,

Her heart swelling with love at a dizzying pace.

She shushed him gently and held his face,

Studying him with amazement, her heart's embrace,

But soon, she received a shocking sign,

A signal from her father, a warning divine.

Her duty called her back to the sea,

But she didn't want to leave him, oh so painfully,

"Forbidden to love a human," she cried in distress,

But she offered to sacrifice her tail, nonetheless.

He refused, not wanting her to give up her life,

But she was determined, to be his wife,

She signaled her father to come to the surface,

And she took him to the river bank with a sense of purpose.

Her father, the king, was furious and stern,

He tortured her, making her heart yearn,

To forget the love she found in his embrace,

But she couldn't erase the memories of hi

s grace.

She cried out and hugged him tight,

Promising to find him, with all her might,

She sang a melody that touched his soul,

As her father's orders took their toll.

"Who are you?" he asked, confused and lost,

She cried out in anguish, at such a high cost,

She murmured a spell and pulled out a pearl,

Handing it to her father, her heart in a whirl.

And just like that, she turned into a human fair,

But her legs were weak, she stumbled in despair,

She cried and kissed him with all her might,

And with that kiss, his memories took flight.

As he held her close, his heart filled with joy,

For he remembered their love, a bond that could not destroy.

He gazed into her eyes, so filled with grace,

As tears of happiness streamed down her face.

They stood by the river, hand in hand,

United by a love that nothing could withstand.

The mermaid's father watched from afar,

Moved by the power of love's shining star.

He realized the purity of their affection,

And lifted the curse with no hesitation.

The mermaid's tail transformed once more,

Into a beautiful form she had never had before.

Her ginger hair turned golden and long,

Her tail replaced by legs so strong.

She stood on her feet, a human now,

Her heart overflowing, her vow.

They declared their love for all to hear,

A love so true, so pure, so sincere.

The town's people gathered around in awe,

As they witnessed a love without flaw.

The prince and the mermaid, hand in hand,

Embarked on a journey, together they planned.

Exploring the world with love as their guide,

A love that could never be denied.

They traveled far and wide, side by side,

Facing challenges with love as their guide.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day,

In each other's company, they found their way.

Years went by, their love stood strong,

Their hearts entwined, where they belong.

They built a life together, filled with love,

Blessed by the heavens from above.

And though they faced trials along the way,

Their love never faltered, come what may.

For true love, pure and divine,

Can conquer all, and eternally shine.

And so, their story lived on in lore,

Of a prince and a mermaid, forevermore.

Their love a beacon of hope and light,

A testament to the power of love's might.

For love, so pure and true,

Can overcome any obstacle, old or new.

It can break the boundaries, break the curse,

And make hearts sing, and souls immerse.

And as they lived their happily ever after,

Their love shining bright, like a golden rafter.

They proved that love can conquer all,

A love that will forever enthrall.


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