Magic Shop : Inside The Heart♡
Magic Shop : Inside The Heart♡

BTS said make a door inside the heart,
So we can find solace when we're falling apart,
And when we open it up, who knows what we'll see,
Perhaps a magic shop, where we can simply be.
Inside the heart's door, there's a wondrous sight,
A place where worries and fears take flight,
A shop filled with love, comfort, and grace,
A sanctuary where we can find our own space.
The Magic Shop is where the heart finds healing,
A place where our emotions can have a true feeling,
It's where we can go when the world's too much,
To find ourselves, to find our touch.
In this magical place, there are shelves lined with books,
Where we can escape and find different looks,
And in the corner, there's a cozy couch,
Where we can curl up and let out a
long, deep, sigh.
There's music that plays from hidden speakers,
A soundtrack that helps us release our fears,
And the walls are painted in calming hues,
To soothe the soul and help us choose.
There are candles that flicker with a gentle light,
Adding to the magic of the sight,
And as we breathe in the sweet, soothing scent,
Our worries slowly start to relent.
The Magic Shop is where we can be ourselves,
Where we can lay down our worries on shelves,
And find the courage to face the day,
With strength, resilience, and come what may.
So let's open that door inside our heart,
And find the Magic Shop, a place of true art,
Where we can find peace and love galore,
And leave behind our worries, forevermore.