Dramatic Productions Imitate Life

Dramatic Productions Imitate Life

3 mins

Dramatic Productions Imitate Life

By Sanaya Ross

Please remember when I'm speaking from my heart

Or being what it is to be human…

The human condition is fragile…

Factual, emotional, serious,

Sustaining myself from falling apart….

It is not the other way around...


Real life is dramatic...

If it wasn't welcome in society or by everyone...

We'd be a very ordinary and dull species...

And we'd also be eliminating the majority of our entertainment...


Life imitates art...

Art imitates beauty and beauty imitates pain...

Pain comes from what it is to be alive...

Humour is its mask... and falling apart is its embodiment...

Those who laugh the hardest fall the hardest....

Comic relief is a mask...

A subtle attempt to share any sort of reciprocal emotion

With someone other than ourselves...


I joke and humorously make light

Just so I can remember how to smile from time to time...

The world is in an emotional celibacy

And I am almost virginal and untouched by another human being....

People learn what it is to be dormant inside…

And are content with living that way day to day…

We learn what it is to be part of the system,

The society, the everyday man and woman,

Suit and tie, hot cup of coffee and business conversations…


What keeping it kosher and politically correct is,

Censoring our words so as not to show

Any type of personal opinions or reservations

On matters when in a public spectacle… hush, hush…

This is what it is to be human, as to not offend anyone…

We cannot be who we really are,

Have opinions and emotions on subjects that

Clutter and haunt our minds at night…


We go home empty handed and c

losed off

As humanly possible to the world

And politics pops up on the screen, alone in your home…

This is your opinion… you're yelling at the TV.

Why can't anyone else see what you see or mean what you mean?

Your opinions are censored once you leave your door in the morning…


You are on auto pilot…

No one knows to feel like you

Because as soon as you warm up your engine…

Any human part of you has been silenced…

Humans are embarrassed by other humans acting human…

They say it's dramatic or appears as unstable…

More or less I'm now laying my cards on the table for all to see

And I'm not afraid… of what your hand's going to reveal…

Because I've already played out my hand….


I've already wagered consequences and I'm feeling lucky…

That I don't go home at night after pretending

To be a straight faced, straight laced, everyday average Joe,

I'm going places you dream to go…

Out in the open where the sun is warm against my skin,

I have no fear of where I'm going;  it's dictated by where I've been….

And I'm not afraid to be human...


If I love you, I'll say it, "I love you very much."

I'm not afraid you will turn this around on me

And use it to your advantage…

That you could destroy me

With all I've just abandoned and poured out of my soul…

I'm not afraid to be human…


Yes, I see you there… whispering amongst the crowd…

Afraid to say what it is you mean…

So you're judging the only opinions that are openly seen…

And I feel sad for you…

Because you don't know what it is to be yourself in front of everyone…


You're a stranger to your second host,

The one who plays it up the most,

The one who is your former ghost…

I feel for you...

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