Avani Bhalla



Avani Bhalla




1 min

The mighty colour, black!

Yes, it may depict anger and sadness,

But ever wondered that it also stands for power and elegance.

Black gives a way,

A way for other colours to shine,

Whenever we write on it with orange, pink or white,

They all shine while black is easily left behind.

But black stands for mystery,

A mystery related to why it's always undermined.

Black is strong and beauty.

Black is bold and duty.

Black isn't always about the darkness of our empty souls, 

But it defines the stillness of the midnight shore,

The night shines in this graceful black,

Spreads it everywhere and we nyctophile's loved that.

From the colour of the soil,

To the colour of some alluring souls,

This black is beautiful.

From the colour of my skin, 

To the hair on my body,

This black is beautiful.

Black colour is loved often, 

Then why not black people.

Why hate,

When the maker of all didn't differentiate.

And now to all the gorgeous people hating their colour,

You are beautiful!

You are loved bountiful!

Stop hating on what you are born with,

Remember life is too short to complain,

So love what you are going to be living with.

To all my black men, women, sisters, brothers, daughters and sons,

And every soul honoured with the beauty of black,

Remind yourself each day,

That this black is mysteriously bold and beautiful,

You are beautiful!

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